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The Board and Trustees of The Muni
The Springfield Municipal Opera is operated by two concurrent governing bodies with different responsibilities: Trustees and Board. The Muni Trustees are charged with the long-term viability and overall financial stability of the organization. The Muni Board is tasked with the season-to-season running of the organization.
Muni Trustees
Dennis O'Brien (Chair)
Randy Ragan (Chair-Elect)
John Baker
Marj Berchtold
Roger Holmes
Stephan Kaplan
Mary Beth Maloney
Scott Viniard
Dave Britton (Emeritus)
Tom Appleton (Emeritus)
2023-24 Muni Board of Managers
Kevin Burke III
Darrin Burnett
Duane Fant
Jeremy Goeckner
Marianne Hankins
Kevin Kulavic
Scott Lecocq
Connor McNamara
Amanda Neubauer
Nicole Pittman
Steven Robinson
Bill Schnake
Meredith Vogel-Thomas
Tiffany Williams
Carla Wilson
Kari Wolf
2023-24 Muni Board Officers
President Stephen Rotello
President Elect Anna Sohm
Treasurer Randy Ragan
Secretary Mary Matheny
Immediate Past President Mac Warren
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